According to the Tao, the #1 cause of DISEASE in the body comes from


What is the Universal Healing Tao (UHT)?

In short, it is a self-help system for curing and preventing illness and stress and for enhancing all aspects of life.

Its key concept is increasing vital energy, or chi, through easy mediation and movement practices. A system based on ten-thousand -year-old Taoist formulas evolved over the last 60 + years by Grand Master Mantak Chia.

The Tao is usually translated as 'the way', or 'the path that everything in the universe follows'. It acknowledges that there are two forces at play in the universe: electricity and magnetism. These two forces are collectively referred to by the Taoist as chi. 

When your chi is unbalanced, your energies are misdirected and your efforts may not produce the results you seek. Energy surrounds us and penetrates us. It binds the universe together. Energy is the force that gives life to every form of matter, from the smallest subatomic particle to the giant redwood tree. Energy never dies; it simply transforms from one state to another. By aligning our chi with the energies of the universe, we gain a better understanding of the universe and our place in it. This grants us access to the limitless potential that already exists in each of us.


These ancient Taoist practices and our commitment to energy healing can help you to achieve emotional release and healing.

Many of the healing offerings include UHT methods but are also integrated and customized by using other healing modalities.

The results speak for themselves.

Are you ready to step into your power and manifest abundant healing in your life?